Library Giordano Bruno, Rome Italy 2013

Quiet inner strength is the new cool and Angelina is living proof. She’s full of stories and can’t keep them in any longer!

It’s no wonder – she reads every day on the bus, at school, or late at night before bed. She loves fascinating books about ancient, complex things and light-hearted ones about cat jokes. She won’t pass by a book that makes her laugh, but fantasy and adventure pull her in, even more, both the made-up kind and the fact-filled true ones too. The truth of it is, the kind of book doesn’t really matter since Angelina knows the secret of what’s between the pages; do you?

When you read as much as Angelina does, imagination just overflows. What goes in must come out and writing her own stories is the way she passes on to others to find adventure too. The more she reads, the more adventure she finds and the more new story ideas she has.

Once one book was finished, it didn’t take long for the next two to be done. Before she knew it, Angelina was officially an after-school-part-time published author.

What are you doing after school?